Shake them all in a bag to combine them up, and then see if you can do the puzzle when you don't know which side is up! The nun makes them bend over a desk after which paddles each thrice with a yardstick. The Harder They come 1972 In Jamaica, a judicial flogging is carried out over a barrel. Coal Miner's Daughter 1980 The titular character is hit by her father with a switch after going out with a boy. Mixed Company 1974 Boy will get a spanking within the bathroom from his adoptive father. By the Sword Divided 1983 A young lady is caned by her father for refusing an organized marriage. An excellent Summer 1987 In this Czech film, a younger lady is whipped with a belt when her father suspects she engaged in sex. Jungle Fever 1991 A Caucasian girl is crushed by her father for courting an African-American man. Brides of Christ 1991 Ep.2: Two Catholic schoolgirls, Frances and Bridget, get caught out of bounds reading a forbidden guide.